Justin Paulhamus, Broker

Justin relocated from San Diego, CA, for the same reason many young professionals do – a job on Capitol Hill working with Congress! As exciting as that career was, he has since moved on to other things including a career in real estate. Justin has lived in several areas of DC since 2001 and what has struck him about each area of the city is its unique sense of community. The personality of each neighborhood and enclave is unique – a wide variety of urban “small towns” where people are connected by a mutual desire to create a great quality of life for themselves and for their neighbors. lf you are a buyer looking to find a “home” in the truest sense of the word, let Justin share his knowledge of the city, the available homes and the means by which you can finance your dreams. lf it’s time for you to sell and move on, he will help you to price your home for the market, current economic factors, and the area in which it’s located. Justin uses a variety of online and offline resources to market your home for a timely sale to qualified purchasers, getting you on your way to your next home. lf “now* is the time, and moving is in your future, please call, email or text Justin for his prompt attention.

Office Location: 80 M St. SE, Washington

Contact Justin to help you with your next home.