Ashton Heights-VA

Ashton Heights homes were build between 1920 and 1945 and include a variety of styles like the Colonial, bungalows and Cape Cod style home.

Real Estate Statistics

Average Price $3.3M
Lowest Price $3.3M
Highest Price $3.3M
Total Listings 1
Avg. Days On Market 134
Avg. Price/SQFT $537

Property Types (active listings)

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More About Ashton Heights

In 1919, a real estate developer named Ashton C. Jones bought 61 acres in the area and mapped two subdivisions on what is now either side of Pershing Drive, according to the Ashton Heights Style Guide. He combined the two subdivisions and in 1921 named the neighborhood Ashton Heights. Another real estate firm added more lots, as did other developers while others are older and some were added after World War II, between 1945 and 1965. Since then, larger houses have been added, sometimes replacing a torn-down one.  Other styles include Foursquares and Tudor Revival, as well as a few Sears catalogue houses. In addition to its proximity to the District, Ashton Heights and the adjacent neighborhood, Lyon Park, share a North Irving Street boundary, with houses on the east side of the street belonging to Lyon Park and those on the west side to Ashton Heights. Ashton Heights has easy access to Clarendon’s shopping for those who prefer walking to driving. Market Common, a mixed-use development of retail stores and restaurants, office space, townhouses, open public space and public parking was developed between 2000 and 2003, changing the landscape of the area. In addition, both Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods are options. For others, getting in the car for grocery shopping is a choice they make to reach Seven Corners, the Giant on Washington Boulevard, or Target and Safeway.

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