Camp Springs-MD

The largest boom of construction for Camp Springs occurred in the 1960s and 1970s after the completion of water and sewer lines and the construction of the Capital Beltway. Andrews Air Force Base is nestled within this community furthering the commercial development in the area in playing host to many day commuters.

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More About Camp Springs

Most of the development in the Camp Springs area occurred north of the Camp Springs crossroads in the 1940s and 1950s. The lack of water and sewer lines in most locations until the late 1950s and early 1960s kept the pace of development slow. The largest development in the 1940s was the subdivision of the Middleton farm north of Camp Springs. This farm was platted into Glenn Hills, Middleton Farm, and Middleton Valley. Residential development during the 1950s primarily took the form of infill construction within subdivisions platted in the 1940s. One of the exceptions is the large Westchester Estates development located in the southwest quadrant of the Camp Springs crossroads. Over 400 homes were constructed. Commercial development, consisting of shopping centers, restaurants, and hotels, extends along Allentown Road east of Branch Avenue.

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