
The area that now makes up most of Crestwood was originally a large 300-acre estate purchased by a single owner in 1720. It wasn’t until the early 20th century that the area started seeing single-family home development. Located just north of Mount Pleasant, it lies on a pocket of land west of 16th Street and surrounded on three sides by Rock Creek Park.
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Real Estate Statistics

Average Price $1.3M
Lowest Price $4.5K
Highest Price $2.3M
Total Listings 4
Avg. Days On Market 33
Avg. Price/SQFT $360

Property Types (active listings)

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More about Crestwood

Crestwood is one of those DC neighborhoods where every other house seems to be a towering brick colonial with four or five bedrooms, however there are a mix of styles, including large Tudors, some sprawling ranch homes, and a few blocks lined with row houses. This is not the neighborhood for condo buyers, and rentals are rare: while there’s one apartment building on 16th Street, homeowners are discouraged from renting out their houses, said a longtime resident.

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