Navy Yard-DC

Hot dogs, popcorn, beer, play ball. Navy Yard or Capitol Riverfront is home to the Washington Nationals Baseball Team as well as trendy restaurants, cafes and a trapeze studio.

Real Estate Statistics

Average Price $411K
Lowest Price $2K
Highest Price $1.1M
Total Listings 46
Avg. Days On Market 161
Avg. Price/SQFT $483

Property Types (active listings)

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More About Navy Yard

Capitol Riverfront refers to 500-acre area roughly bounded by South Capitol Street, the Anacostia River and the Southeast Freeway. The name Capitol Riverfront emerged from the Capitol Riverfront Business Improvement District (BID) as the neighborhood was beginning to take shape in 2007, and the moniker stuck for business purposes. However, the growing population of residents seem to be choosing their own name. Many refer to it as Navy Yard, others place it “by the ballpark,” but relatively few use the BID-dubbed name.