As summer draws to a close, families are wrapping up their summer breaks, and sending their kids back to school. DC Public Schools, for example, start back on August 26th, just a couple short weeks away. Every year, about 94% of public school teachers nationwide spend their own money on supplies for the school year, without reimbursement. The average amount spent is $479, which is no small amount for educators on a historically small budget. Fortunately, there are ways for you to help create a successful learning environment for all children, no matter where you live! 

As you may have seen, there is a new social media campaign this summer that is gaining speed, called #clearthelists. This campaign currently has thousands of posts and counting. When you search the hashtag on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you're met with hundreds of teachers that are posting their Amazon wishlists for items for their classroom. Simply purchase the item(s) that you wish to donate, and it get's sent directly to the teacher. You can learn more about it here:

Another way to donate is through an organization called Operation Backpack. This backpack drive allows you to choose a grade, kindergarten through grade 12, print up a list of items, and take it with you to the store to sill up a backpack for a child in need. For more information, check out their site:

You can always reach out directly to your local school district to see how you can make donations directly to your school of choice. For example, DC Public Schools will take donations of school supplies, as well as facilities-based donations. You can read more about it here:


We have partnered with Homes for Heroes and give a portion of our commission to those in education. Homes for Heroes even goes beyond that and extends credits to those in the healthcare, EMS, law enforcement, and military (active and retired) fields. You can learn more about that program here:

Posted by Justin Paulhamus on
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